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Bilingual Glossary - Agency of Rural Development and Soil and Water Conservation, MOA

Rural Development and Soil and Water Conservation
Promoting Regeneration of Rural Villages

Bilingual Glossary

Chinese English
永久凋萎點 permanent wilting point
病蟲害檢定及抗病蟲害篩選技術 pest testing and pest resistance screening
寵物食品安全 pet food safety
寵物登記 Pets registration
挺空植物或地上植物 phanerophyte
最大生長速率期 phase of maximum growth rate
光週期現象 photoperiodism
光合加磷作用 photophosphorylation
光合作用 photosynthesis
喜水植物 phreatophyte
Total items: 1465  Current page: 84 / 147