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Bilingual Glossary - Agency of Rural Development and Soil and Water Conservation, MOA

Rural Development and Soil and Water Conservation
Promoting Regeneration of Rural Villages

Bilingual Glossary

Chinese English
成熟土壤 mature soil
最大物種雜異度、生物多樣性 maximum diversity
最大生長速率 maximum growth rate
最大降雨深度-面積延時曲線 maximum rainfall depth-area-duration curve;DAD curve
最大容水量 maximum water capacity
平均粒徑 mean diameter
平均塊區大小 mean patch size
平均形狀指數 mean shape index
河流泥砂之測驗分析 measurement and analysis of sediment loads
中值粒徑 median diameter
Total items: 1465  Current page: 73 / 147