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Bilingual Glossary - Agency of Rural Development and Soil and Water Conservation, MOA

Rural Development and Soil and Water Conservation
Promoting Regeneration of Rural Villages

Bilingual Glossary

Chinese English
土石流防災疏散避難規劃 debris flow disaster prevention and evacuation program
土石流災害防救業務計畫 debris flow disaster prevention and response operation plan
土石流防災教育訓練 debris flow disaster prevention education and training
土石流防災疏散避難演練 debris flow evacuation drills
土石流觀測站 debris flow observation station
落葉樹 deciduous trees
植物殘渣分解作用 decompisition of plant residues in soil
分解作用 decomposition
蔓狀藤類 decumbent vine
深根性樹種 deep rooted tree
Total items: 1465  Current page: 26 / 147