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Bilingual Glossary - Agency of Rural Development and Soil and Water Conservation, MOA

Rural Development and Soil and Water Conservation
Promoting Regeneration of Rural Villages

Bilingual Glossary

Chinese English
光譜影像系統 spectral imaging system
無特定病源蛋 SPF egg
飛濺沖蝕 splash erosion
萌芽 sprouting
丁壩 spur dike
蜂巢圍束網格堆疊護岸 stacked cellurar confinement (geo-cell) revetment
木樁捲包護岸 stake and infill roll revetment
潛在利害關係人 stakeholder
打樁編柵 staking and wattling
林分構造 stand structure
Total items: 1465  Current page: 122 / 147