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Visit Huashan Community by students from international class of natural disaster mitigation and management - Agency of Rural Development and Soil and Water Conservation, MOA

Rural Development and Soil and Water Conservation
Promoting Regeneration of Rural Villages

Visit Huashan Community by students from international class of natural disaster mitigation and management


Location:Huashan Debris Flow Monitoring Station

The 34 students from the international class of disaster mitigation and management visited the Huashan Community. SWCB and debris flow disaster monitoring team explained the SWCB debris flow disaster prevention monitoring mechanism. Staffs from SWCB Nantou Branch helped to explain the torrent control works, Yung-kun Wu, a disaster prevention commissioner explained the specific measures and achievements of rural regeneration in Huashan Community, allowing the participants to experience the results of debris flow disaster prevention, soil and water conservation and the rural scenery. The participants were enthusiastic during interaction and expressed they benefited a lot this time. The activity laid a foundation for international technical exchanges.

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