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Nantou Global Tea Expo in 2016 - Agency of Rural Development and Soil and Water Conservation, MOA

Rural Development and Soil and Water Conservation
Promoting Regeneration of Rural Villages

Nantou Global Tea Expo in 2016

For the purpose of promoting rural souvenirs and assisting industry development of rural communities, Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, specially held Nantou Global Tea Expo in 2016 at Chung Hsing New Village, Nantou City from October 8th to October 12th, to exhibit and sell rural souvenirs in Rural Souvenirs Exhibition Center. People to the exhibition visiting and buying came in an endless stream. The rural communities in Taiwan are full of rural souvenirs reflecting traditional characteristics and local culture. The Soil and Water Conservation Bureau helped to revitalize the rural industry and launched a project of rural community business counseling this year to guide the rural community industry towards enterprise management with the purpose of enhancing the industrial competitiveness of rural communities. Sellers of rural souvenirs were interviewed by the media and shared their efforts and achievements in process of development of the broadcasting industry. They expected that more people could support local rural souvenirs, taste the truthfulness of local produce, feel the goodness of rural people, and appreciate the beauty of rural villages in Taiwan.

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